Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Instructions for Project Work

Today, you should be doing your project for the third day. Some of you have started on the video-taking. Others have worked out the plan or in the process of completing your group's plan.


Let's make the Project Work a 21st Century Learning experience...an experiential learning which excites and bring fun to learning for all of you at Sampoerna Academy Medan.

In 21st Century Learning, you will be given the opportunities to learn to solve challenges in a collaborative environment where together with unfamiliar faces, you work together to solve common problems. In 21st Century Learning too you will have to demonstrate the use of technologies i.e. handphones (smartphones included), ipads and laptops.

In Singapore, I used to bring students out of the classroom, investigate things we find in the real environment (like the one shown on the left), take photos and upload to an online learning platform and then put up critical analysis on the topic in consideration online. This simulates the 21st century world where professionals will have to be on the move to different parts of the world, submit their work assignments online and then discuss through video-conferencing.

In order to achieve 21st Century Learning, we will experiment with the following

Make the project more interesting, fun, exciting and challenging by doing the following:


A. Create a whatsapp group for the project.
B. Include your group members and me in the whatsapp group.
C. Discussion during and after lesson can be conducted through the whatsapp group. This will serve as evidence of the depth and breadth of discussion that you have been engaged in. It also makes it easier for me to award marks for your project work.
D. Marks will be given for your participation in the whatsapp group discussion.


1. Use your handphone or ipad and take pictures or videos on a daily basis.
Don't forget to take your own photos and videos besides the food, restaurants, warungs on the roadside (remember that warungs are uniquely Indonesian...you will not find this in Singapore or most of the western countries).

For a start take individual photos (formal and informal) and then post in your selected online platform.
Take group photos and post it with the description of the name of your group.

2. Upload your photos, short videos to blogger, youtube, facebook or any online platform that you are familiar with. You need to share the administrator password and id with me so that I can help to edit.

3. Write notes based on the photos or foods that you have captured on the online platform.

4. Send the url by sending me a whatsapp message.

Show evidence of the quality of your discussions. Make a conscious effort to display the depth and breadth of the discussions via the online platform that your group has chosen.

I will be able to give you more marks if you can show me your discussions and materials online.

Have fun and laughter researching and doing your project with your electronic devices guys..

Best regards

Mr Benny
M.Soc.Sc (NUS, S' pore), B.A Hons (NUS, S'pore), B.A (NUS, S'pore), Postgraduate Diploma in Education (NTU/NIE, S'pore), Certified Professional Trainer (IPMA, UK), Cooperative Learning Trainer (Kagan, USA), Advanced Leader (Toastmasters, USA), Advanced Communicator (Toastmasters, USA), Tae Kwon Do Black Belt and Instructor Certificate (Korea), Kala Hitam Kyokushin Karate Black Belt and Instructor Certificate (Japan), Silat Gayong Instructor Certificate (S'pore),

A coordinator for online learning technology integration in the classroom, Mr Benny has researched and presented research papers on the use of technology for teaching and learning for national and international conferences.  He took the modules for the Masters of Education Technology with the University of Southern Queensland, Australia and collaborate with professional teachers on education technology. He has used interactive whiteboard, mobile phones, ipads and blogs among others to deliver education through the use of technology.

Anybody who is keen on technology-based teaching and learning environments can contact him at ben20058888@gmail.com.


Video on what is 21st Century Learning?



Project Work by Other Students




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